Boldly Go! Season One is the first campaign book for the Boldly Go! science-fiction role-playing game. It contains 16 episodes (what other games would call "adventures"). 

Eight of these episodes make up the Season Arc, a multi-part story in which player characters go from cadets at Fleet Academy to saviors of the galaxy. The other eight episodes are one-shots (or, in one case, a thrilling two-parter), in which the players deal with more localized, but no less interesting, issues.

The campaign book contains everything you need to run and play Season One. We have organized it as clearly as we can in an attempt to make running the game easier for Fleet Admirals. The book includes:

  • EPISODE ICONS: These symbols allow Fleet Admirals to quickly determine which episodes are part of the Season Arc, which are standalone, and which are two-parters.

  • STORY GUIDE: A quick-reference guide that provides an overview of the full story of the Season Arc, as well as a synopses of each episode in the book.

  • MAJOR NPCS: A section dedicated to the NPCs that the players will encounter multiple times throughout the Season Arc. Each listing includes the NPC’s history, outlook, and goals.

  • SIXTEEN EPISODES: All sixteen episodes of Season One, conveniently arranged in broadcast order (i.e., the order in which you should play them).

  • ALSO INCLUDES: Maps of the galaxy, enough background information and plot hooks to inspire Fleet Admirals to create their own episodes, and six NPCs designed by the people who backed the original Boldly Go! Kickstarter at the COMMANDER level.

This is not a standalone product. It requires the Boldly Go! rulebook, also available from Geoffquest.